RedSn0w 0.9.6rc15 will jailbreak any device on iOS 4.3.3 except for the iPad 2. This tutorial will show you how to jailbreak your iPhone running iOS 4.3.3 using UltraSn0w. If you have an iPod Touch or iPad, you may follow this guide as well because the steps are identical…
RedSn0w will work with both Mac and Windows.
Step 1: Make sure your iPhone is on the latest iOS 4.3.3 software. Make sure iTunes is up to date.
Step 2: Download RedSn0w 0.9.6rc15 from our iPhone downloads section. Also download the correct iOS 4.3.3 firmware for your device. Leave those items on your desktop for convenience.
Step 3: Launch RedSn0w and browse for the firmware you downloaded in step 2.
Step 4: RedSn0w will ask you if your iPhone is a newer model. Read the explanation provided by RedSn0w and select Yes or No. Click Next to continue.
Step 5: RedSn0w will now be preparing the jailbreak data, which should take a few seconds. When it’s done, It will give you several options. Make sure to select Install Cydia. You may select other features such as Custom Boot Logo, but we will not go there in this tutorial. Click Next to continue.
Step 6: RedSn0w is now asking you to make sure your device is both off and connected to your computer. Click Next to continue.
Step 7: You will now have to get your iPhone in DFU mode. Simply follow the onscreen instructions to proceed.
Step 8: If you have successfully entered DFU mode, RedSn0w will start the jailbreak process. You should see a bunch of weird code running through your iPhone screen. It’s all good. This should take a couple minutes. When done, your iPhone will reboot.
You should now have the Cydia icon on your iPhone springboard. That’s it. The whole process shouldn’t take more than a few minutes.
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