Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Apple's Steve Jobs appeared increasingly gaunt face Headquarters

   According to the British "Daily Mail" reported that Apple CEO Steve Jobs (Steve Jobs) was recently seen in Apple Valley, California, near the headquarters. Jobs First and a colleague were eating breakfast together, and then into the Apple headquarters. As can be seen from the photo, Steve Jobs, 56, still wearing his trademark blue jeans and black sweater, but the increasingly worn thin body and face make people more worried about his health.

Jobs at Apple Headquarters

Prior to Apple's headquarters in the Jobs and breakfast a colleague

      In 2004, Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and in 2009 conducted a liver transplant, but then relapse. This year in January, Steve Jobs to Apple employees sent e-mail said he would leave temporarily leaving the CEO post, but Steve Jobs did not disclose their condition and the specific return date, but he said he will participate in the major apple strategic decisions. March of this year, Steve Jobs on Apple iPad 2 presided over the launch ceremony.

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