Wednesday, April 27, 2011

iPad 2 and White iPhone 4 Launching in Japan on Thursday

Nikkei reports that the iPad 2 will finally debut in Japan on Thursday, April 28th. The launch comes a month later than originally planned due to the earthquake and tsunami that devastated significant parts of the country. The news comes by way of CNNGo:
That veritable font of all knowledge, the “Nikkei Shimbun” newspaper, says the shiny lust-bauble will hit Japanese stores in stealth mode, more than a month after the scheduled March 25 launch-date.
Beyond the original announcement of delay, Apple has not officially announced the ship date for the iPad 2 in Japan.

This week should be a busy week for Apple as they are believed to be launching the white iPhone 4 to multiple countries on Wednesday.

Update: The White iPhone 4 is apparently also making its way to Japan on the same date, April 28th. A reader sent in this picture taken at a Softbank store, which lists the 4/28 date as the start of sales:

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