Saturday, May 7, 2011

How to Browse Cydia On Your Desktop Computer

Looking for jailbreak apps and tweaks in Cydia can be a very slow and painful process. Cydia usually has to load almost every single user action, and browsing for content can take quite a long time.

Cydia Search is a new resource developed by Planet-iPhones that allows you to search and browse for Cydia content from your desktop computer. With a full set of browsing and navigation options, Cydia Search takes the pain out of using the iPhone to browse for jailbreak content.

Cydia Search is a quick and easy way to read all about the apps/tweaks, etc available through Cydia on a jailbroken iPhone.

You can browse by repos, categories, and top rated/newest packages. When you search for something, the package’s information is available right there in your desktop browser. The description, author, hosted repo, file size, homepage, sponsor, etc. are all quickly available for any package through Cydia Search.

A nifty iPhone frame on the right side of each package’s page in Cydia Search displays screenshots from the package’s iPhone-optimized page in Cydia. These screenshots allow you to read the package’s changelog.

Unfortunately, you can’t see screenshots for packages in Cydia Search.

Cydia has needed a desktop companion for a very, very long time. It’s nice to see some method for browsing the jailbreak store on the desktop. We haven’t heard anything new about Cydia for Mac. Hopefully saurik still plans on developing a new version of Cydia for the desktop.

What do you think of Cydia Search? How can desktop computers and Cydia merge effectively? Hopefully one day we’ll see a full-fledged Cydia store for the Mac.

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