Tuesday, May 3, 2011

ipswDownloader Now Called openIPSW, the Ultimate Download Tool for iOS Firmware

 Remember when you told about the iOS firmware downloader called ipswDownloader? The lightweight download utility was originally only available on Mac OS X, and then it was ported into a Windows program.

The Windows version of ipswDownloader has received a significant update and is now called “openIPSW.” If you missed it before, openIPSW allows you to download any version of iOS with ease. The new update now shows you jailbreak information relating to each iOS version.

The changelog for version 2.0:

    * an updated GUI
    * jailbreak information
    * auto updating for the application loads information about jailbreak from the server so it will always have the latest firmware versions as soon as they are available
    * for Windows 7 users we have also added the progress bar in the task bar icon
    * the usual “bug fixes” and updated the GUI

openIPSW now allows you to see if a certain version of iOS is jailbreak-compatible and if there is an unlock available. This is very handy information to have in such an app.

You can download openIPSW for free on the developer’s website.

Don’t forget, we have all of the iOS firmwares available for download on our iPhone downloads page. We’ll also continue to keep you updated on breaking jailbreak news.

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