Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Untethered Jailbreak Not Fixed in iOS 4.3.3

Some good news for jailbreakers coming from comex himself. Apparently, Apple hasn’t fixed the exploit used by iPhone hacker i0n1c in his 4.3.2 jailbreak. What does that mean? Well it means that you might not be able to jailbreak and untether iOS 4.3.3 right now, but it’s just a matter of time.

The Dev Team will most likely update PwnageTool and RedSn0w in the very near future, and provide us with stable and reliable jailbreaks. You can probably also expect iH8Sn0w to update Sn0wBreeze…

Our warning is still applicable though. Don’t update until a solid jailbreak is out!
Source:- iphonedownloadblog

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